Die Rheinpiraten e. V.
Hitdorfer Str. 169
51371 Leverkusen-Hitdorf
Opening hours
Mon to Thur 8.00 - 17.15
Fri 8.00 - 16.00
Telephone and email
+49 (0) 2173 2697947

With fun and comprehension into the future!
A bilingual kindergarten and the supervision, formation and education of children of primary school age in Leverkusen-Hitdorf on the Rhine: Die Rheinpiraten offer an excellent supervision for children aged 1-10 and the best conditions for the future – containing an education to social, creative and confident individuals. Die Rheinpiraten ensure that the parents are able to put together both education and professional life easily and carefree.
The Rheinpiraten-Kindergarten - a look at our rooms and our offer!
The kindergarten children are supervised in one group of mixed ages, from 1-6. This kind of common supervision is considered as the perfect form of care by many of our parents:
- The children stay in one group from an early age and can make permanent friends this way.
- The younger children can learn from the older ones through model-oriented learning.
- Older children can pass-on their experience and knowledge to the younger children, and can therefore improve their skills and gain confidence.
- Older children have more possibilities to develop social competences, e.g. through consideration of others and taking responsibility.
- The long presence of the children in a group leads to an intensive relationship with the qualified employee
- Encouragement to be independent and self-paced learning: There are learning materials for children of all ages, which gives them the possibility to decide which activity they would like to choose.
At the same time the group of mixed ages poses high demands on the framework conditions and the employee’s competences. The excellent interior design and the qualified employees allow us to face this challenge, because the expanded age-mixing of our children gives us great
Apart from the kindergarten group there is a group of primary school children. At parties and projects and trips both groups do often take part together. The kindergarten and the school children enjoy this time together. Many school children have their siblings in the kindergarten or have spent their kindergarten-time at Die Rheinpiraten.
The institution, Die Rheinpiraten e.V, uses the premises of a former matchbox factory of 250m2 for a bilingual kindergarten, and an additional 60m2 for bilingual supervision, formation and education of children at the primary school age. In 2012 and 2013, large parts of the kindergarten were upgraded from public funds for the day care of children under the age of 3.
Rooms kindergarten
Rooms after-school care centre
Our Team
As of 2021, in service for our children
Trailer Rheinpiratenteam
The supervising body is responsible for the management board, as well as the organisation of the kindergarten and the crèche. Members of the institution are the parents who elect the board from its midst. The board is responsible for the management board. The parents actively take part in many ways of the planning and organisation of the institution.
The supervising body and the employees represent together the kindergarten as a service company that is organised on basis of the association. The task of our pedagogical manager is the responsible and educational management of the kindergarten, and it is their duty to take responsibility for keeping and putting the legal guidelines to practice. The board takes over the legal representation and runs the institution’s businesses, and is therefore responsible for the personnel, administrative and financial affairs. Part of their tasks are delegated to the management. The overall responsibility still belongs to the supervising bodies
Our history
The institution, Die Rheinpiraten e.V, uses the premises of a former matchbox factory of 250m2 for a bilingual kindergarten for children aged 1 - 6, and an additional 60m2 for bilingual supervision, formation and education of children at the primary school age. Die Rheinpiraten is one group of mixed ages with children between the ages of 1-6, and one group with up to 15 school children between the ages of 6-10.
Die Rheinpiraten was founded in 1997 as a parent initiative. From there on, we offer (mainly to working parents) a professional and loving all-day care and support for their children aged between 1-10-years oldn. Since 2004, the kindergarten as been bilingual (English/German). The children grow up just like a bilingual family. There are German educators and English native speakers. The latter can be qualified, as well as assistant educators whose normal vernacular language with the children is English.
Until 2011, the kindergarten and the after-school care centre were financed exclusively by parental fees. In 2011, the kindergarten was admitted in the requirement planning of the city of Leverkusen, and since August 2011, it gets municipal funds according to KiBiz. The after-school care centre does not get public funds and is financed purely through parental fees.
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